Our Curriculum

Our nursery school curriculum is planned around our 10 monthly themes. Each month the children will discover and investigate a new theme. For example, our September theme is "All About Me." Children will help identify each person's uniqueness by recognizing his/her own. Some of the activities they will do are make books about themselves, sing songs, play games, and read stories about being special. All of which helps to build self confidence and self esteem.
Our daily Circle Time includes name recognition, calendar, weather, and daily helpers. We also incorporate age appropriate alphabet and number skills. These activities become progressively more challenging as the child gets older. Some of the activities the children will participate in are free play, computer time, story time, arts and crafts projects, music, snack, outdoor play, indoor recreation, dramatic play, science exploration, and much more...

September: All About Me
October: Autumn & Harvest
November: Healthy Living
December: Winter, Snow & Ice
January: Animals & Dinosaurs
February : The Five Senses
March: Colors, Shapes & Sizes
April: Spring, Planting & The Earth
May: Community Helpers
June: Butterflies & Caterpillars